Saturday, August 13, 2011

Aksumite Empire

Aksumite Empire beginning in the first century AD in what is now Ethiopia and believed to be the home of the Queen of Sheba.Aksum is a major trading center with the export of ivory, gold and agricultural resources are traded across the Red Sea trade network and further into the Roman Empire and east to India.Therefore, Aksum is a very rich culture of Africa and the first issued its own currency, which in ancient times was a very important sign. The most famous monument is the stelae of Aksum, a giant obelisk carved grave markers as kings and nobles.Early Aksumites worship multiple gods but their main god adlah Astar. In 324 AD, King Ezana II converted to Christianity, and since then Aksum is a culture that truly Christian, and even the alleged home of the Ark of the Covenant.

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