Saturday, May 21, 2011

Air Conservation

a.       Air Conservation
The air is a vital element for life, because every organism requiresbreathing air. You know that the air contained in a wide variety ofgas, one oxygen.
The air is dirty because of dust or even smoke residue burningcause reduced oxygen levels. The situation is very dangerous for the survival of every organism. Then necessary that the tips formaintaining freshness of the air environment to keep them clean,fresh, and healthy. Efforts that can be done to keep the air clean andhealthy, among others:
1)      Promote the planting of trees or ornamental plants around us
Plants can absorb harmful gases to humans. Plants capable ofproducing oxygen through photosynthesis. Damage to forestscaused millions of crop production lost so much oxygen to theatmosphere is reduced, in addition, plants also release water vapor,so the humidity will remain intact.
2)      Promoting the reduction of emissions or flue gas, either the combustion engine burning both the forest and smoke coming out ofsmokestacks and vehicle exhaust is the largest contributor to dirtyair in urban and industrial areas. One of the efforts to reduceemissions of harmful gases into the air is to use industrial materialsin an environmentally safe, and the installation of filters onsmokestacks
3)      Reduce or even avoid the use of chemical gas that can damage theozone layer in the atmosphere of freon gas used for cooling the air conditioner and refrigerator and used in various cosmetic products,is a gas that can be fused with ozone gas, resulting in shrinkingozone layer. Ozone layer is a layer in the atmosphere that acts as a filter for the earth, being able to reflect back into space ultravioletrays emitted by the sun. Excessive ultraviolet rays will damage skin tissue and cause increased air temperature. Global warming occursamong them the fact that increasing depletion of the ozone layer inthe atmosphere

1 comment:

  1. So many grammatical errors! But good effort!


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