Sukabumi, West Java
Since the time of the first President Sukarno of Indonesia is alreadyrenowned Queen Palabuhan name. Ocean Beach Hotel, which was founded on the initiative of President Sukarno became evident.Palabuhan Queen is one of the beaches located on the south coast of Java island that mystique and big waves are not something alien, andthat's what it is. Ocean Beach Hotel is built on the initiative proclaimerRI have a room numbered 13 that specifically dedicated to the ruler,Queen of the South Coast. A sloping beach with white sand lessattraction for me because the waves are big. But for some visitors,most could not resist the urge to swim. Palabuhan Queen as a coastal tourist area has many points whichopened to the public beach. Its location adjacent to each othersometimes, so we can have plenty of options.
In Palabuhan Queen many attractions that can be visited include hot water bathing Hawu Cisolok and Coral Coast. Palabuhan Queen is also a small paradise for the surfers from Jakarta and Bandung, the reason of course, because Palabuhan Queen had waves big enoughand its location not too far from Jakarta and Bandung.
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