This bird has a distinctive feature in the form of long hair as many as 12numbers that came out of his back, length 30 cm. Feathers are a quarter of this wire ¬ ti stained brown grayish. Wamanya was lovely, apattern with a large Bird of Paradise Yellow or Red with brown back and wings bright. However, the details of color pattern Paradise 12different real wire with other types. Different female and male colorpatterns. The male has a decorative feather on his neck which can bedivided. This shiny black fur ¬ ply air and suburban green shiny green.When separated, ie when the females are cocker, This fur will cover some of the ¬ head. Besides the thick fur coveringher belly as well, extending to the back, golden yellow. That femalebrown on its back with red color on the edge of the wing, while thebrown speckled chest. Because beauty is in the interest Paradisaeidaemost birds, especially males, were hunted to be used as ornamentalanimals, either alive or dead.
Bird cendrawasi
This bird has a distinctive feature in the form of long hair as many as 12numbers that came out of his back, length 30 cm. Feathers are a quarter of this wire ¬ ti stained brown grayish. Wamanya was lovely, apattern with a large Bird of Paradise Yellow or Red with brown back and wings bright. However, the details of color pattern Paradise 12different real wire with other types. Different female and male colorpatterns. The male has a decorative feather on his neck which can bedivided. This shiny black fur ¬ ply air and suburban green shiny green.When separated, ie when the females are cocker, This fur will cover some of the ¬ head. Besides the thick fur coveringher belly as well, extending to the back, golden yellow. That femalebrown on its back with red color on the edge of the wing, while thebrown speckled chest. Because beauty is in the interest Paradisaeidaemost birds, especially males, were hunted to be used as ornamentalanimals, either alive or dead.
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