Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Treasure World Dampier Rock Art Complex, Sonargaon-Panam City and Chinguetti Mosque

- Dampier Rock Art Complex, Murujuga, Australia 
the world's largest collection of art, Australian aboriginals of the Northwest with petroglyphs carved thousands of years old, and some even thought to date back to 10,000 BC. Industrial development has been damaged 7.2% to 24.4% of the petroglyphs, and recently found a large supply of natural gas in the area threaten the Dampier rock art complex.

The rescue mission: has been listed on the National Trust of Australia endangered locale, although the Australian government is still hesitant to intervene or not required. Australian Rock Art Research Association in conjunction with other agencies to continue to push the government to relocate elsewhere in the industry.

- Sonargaon-Panam City, Bangladesh 
In this ancient city, you will find a variety of architecture from the Sultanate, Mogul and colonial periods Bangladesh dating from the 15th to the 19th century. Many Mogul and colonial monuments are also found here. Plagued by various problems - including floods, rising sea levels, earthquakes, illegal development and employment, and vandalism - Sonargaon is in serious danger wiped out.

The rescue mission: the recovery While some projects undertaken by the state department of Archaeology is underway in some of the monuments more important, more funds are needed to assist these institutions in realizing the goal to preserve this place from extinction.

- Chinguetti Mosque, Mauritania, West Africa 
Found in one of the seven holy cities of Islam, in the century Chinguetti Mosque in Mauritania, West Africa, which was built in the 13th century and served as a merchant to stop the journey across the Sahara to carry valuables such as gold and ivory. Desertification is endangered locale - in addition to flash flooding, extreme temperatures and avalanches - represent a constant source of threat to the UNESCO World Heritage site.

The rescue mission: Although the mosque of the mosque has never been closed and mosques continue to be used for religious purposes, established in the area of climate change is necessary to prevent completely disappeared from the mosque.

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