Monday, August 8, 2011

Mahakam Bridge

Speaking of architecture is not limited to buildings, houses or buildings. Well, for this category, Mahakam Bridge 2 or also known as the Bridge Tenggarong in East Kalimantan, became one of the options. Across the top edge of the Mahakam River in Tenggarong City, this bridge is the second after I Mahakam Bridge in the middle of Samarinda. However, Mahakam Bridge 2 has an attractive design than the "elder brother" or any other bridge in the archipelago. This bridge is classified as a cable suspension bridge and the design was almost the same as the Golden Gate in San Francisco, USA.
Naturally, the bridge that spans about 710 meters far as it not only serves as a means of transportation, but also an attraction for tourists visiting the Tenggarong. Towards dusk, the lights are mounted on a pole and kebel-cord lights up and presents a beautiful panorama.

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