- Yakutsk, Russia
The lowest temperature in the capital of Yakutia region, reaching minus 50 degrees Celsius, and usually occurs in January. Although very cold, this town was inhabited by quite a lot of people know. There are at least 200,000 people who live in this city. I was so cold, people often let the car stayed on when they stop somewhere. Because they are afraid of gasoline in this car can be frozen, anyway. Moreover, in this city there is also a warning for not wearing sunglasses. Understandably, the glasses might stick in our skin and our skin tear because it's too cold. Spooky huh?
- North Ice Station, Greenland
Greenland is known as the coldest region in the Western hemisphere. However, the lowest temperature ever recorded in Greenland in the North Ice Station, a regional research center owned by the British state, with temperatures of minus 66 degrees Celsius.
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