Prepare Physical
Once you have enough information about the mountains that you visit, prepare you physically, this is absolutely done, because youwill be alone out there is not no friend to share, all equipment andlogistics have to bring your own, so your physical persipkancarefully, do physical exercise. For mountain hiking jogging is asuitable physical exercises to strengthen your leg muscles.
Plan your trip in detail, do not let you set up camp to stay during the day was dark, because you will busy themselves, preferably whenyou enter the location for the night while it was still light(approximately 4 pm) so you can calmly set up a tent and then cookfood) and when it is dark you just close the tent and before bedmaybe you can read your favorite books and listening to the strains of a song from your MP3 player, until you fell asleep. Measure yourabilities you should never physically force her over the edgebecause it would endanger your own, remember you alone only youcan help yourself.
Arm yourself with knowledge, technical knowledge such asmountain climbing, land navigation, Survival, and other practicalP3K. This is absolute you understand and always practice the technical knowledge because things will not be useful if you onlyread it without mempraktekanya. Often exercise is the key to be familiar with the technical knowledge mentioned above.
Understand the medical complaints
Understand and identify if there is an existing medical complaintyourself, congenital disease or recurrent disease, if any, andprepare P3K equipment needed to handle it. This is very importantbecause if you hurt yourself relapse only that will help you. No oneelse.
Complete Equipment
Ridiculous if you climb alone without the proper climbing equipmentTunjang. By bringing a complete equipment and tools will help youon the way later. If possible try to bring equipment concise and nottoo excessive for instance take the tent to fit on a single personbecause it is lighter weight than the tent capacity of 2 or 3 people. If possible bring your communications equipment such as HT, andbefore starting to climb record the radio frequency communicationlocal officials. For example, PPH or police officer.
To familiarize with the atmosphere alone in the woods not hurt you to try to exercise with their own a day hiking trip without staying. Thisyou can do at the foot of the mountain locations usually like to be visited by visitors on weekends. For example, in western Java,Mount Gede visited by climbers are always crowded on weekends,you can day hike from Cibodas to hot water, or to the Queen Crateron Mount Salak. This method is good to familiarize yourself alone in the forest.
To familiarize with the atmosphere alone in the woods not hurt you to try to exercise with their own a day hiking trip without staying. Thisyou can do at the foot of the mountain locations usually like to be visited by visitors on weekends. For example, in western Java,Mount Gede visited by climbers are always crowded on weekends,you can day hike from Cibodas to hot water, or to the Queen Crateron Mount Salak. This method is good to familiarize yourself alone in the forest.
When leaving do not forget to tell your friends and family about the details of your climbing plan (Line ascent, duration, your logisticalcircumstances.) This information should also take care when yougive permission to climb either the police, Kuncen mountain ormountain PPH local officials. Give a time limitation on them if you do not return at the appointed time you ask to soon follow.
It also should you have, usually when hiking alone you will feel asense of solitude and loneliness that sometimes when attackingthings and odd thoughts also come especially if we know thestrange stories in the mountains that we visit. Throw away the weirdmind, you have to stay focused on your route and can not be emptyor blank mind. Whose names are in the forest itself is sometimes a strange feeling like sudden and strange feeling that if you have to dopanic attack try to calm and focus, not hurt you stop to cool off, drinkand eat your snack while still trying to think positive. Usually after going through that phase you will be granted.
Enjoy the journey
Enjoy it while traveling, make a photo that many observe the nature around you this will get rid of your loneliness.
"God is with People the Brave".
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