Cikandang River (Class III - IV +)

River water comes from Mount Cikuray Cikandang and Papandayanwhich empties into the Indian Ocean (south sea), situated in the south of Garut district. The river is still very fresh and far from pollutionbecause it is far from residential areas. The river water was relativelystable Cikandang either dry or rainy season.
River width varies between 50 meters - 300 meters. The starting pointto start from the village pengarungan Sindang Queen, Pakenjeng andends on the coast south of the village Cijayana. Old pengarungan about4-5 hours, distance about 20 km. Rapids with little difficulty Wreck IV +is Jeram, Jeram Sobek, Erlan Hole Rapids, Jeram Flour, Jeram BatuNunggul, Jeram Panjang, Jeram Anis, Jeram Parakan Jeram Holesand Goodbye.
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