Bali Starling
Bali Starling bird of medium size (25 cm). Ninety percent of white furclean only at the ends of the wings black bertvarna. Blue eyelids,surrounding the eyeball. ¬ grayish yellow beak gray. It has a crestconsisting of several strands of flaxen hair. This bird hid up in groupsconsisting of tens of tail. ¬ Iris color was gray, half-gray and yellow, the feet are gray blue. Month from September to March is the period was marked byperkawiizan bird pairs. In the months that they lay eggs, not together ¬similarities and the number of eggs are generally three points. Egg sizeoval round length of 3 cm and 2 cm wide and bluish green color.Starting in December to August baby bird began to fly and then gatherwith the group. Breeding occurs in the nests of birds found in tree holes as deep as 37cm in trees as high as 2.5 - 7 m tree species nesting is kusambi,Laban and others. These birds often nest rnenggunakan formerwoodpecker.
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